
About Us & What Makes Us Elite

Read All About Our Social Squad Below.

We Want To Get To Know You & Hope You Do Too! There’s Something Special That We Each Bring To The Table That Makes Us Complete. Discover The Values, Vision, & Purpose Behind Everything We Do.

Get To Know Your Team Today!

About Us, The Social Soaring Story

We began with a woman on a mission, who found a great role model to help lead her forth. The Social Soaring idea was sprung between Jessica Luna and J.P. Kilduff when they realized how well their personalities complimented one another. They began to work together to cultivate a quality product they could implement at a low cost. They planned, prepared, and birthed this beautiful company and its pillars of value to emblazoned clients to soar to new heights!

Social Values & Visions Which Aid Us In Soaring Successfully
The Platinum Principal By Social Soaring

Our Mission

One thing about us that makes us so unique is the trust and value that we place on our mission. It states that: we venture forth to be the most highly-recognized social media marketing company available. We will achieve this through utilizing our pillars of value to deliver superior service in an extraordinary way.

Pillars Of Value

  • Teamwork – Together we all succeed faster, stronger, and happier.
  • Expansion – Don’t say the sky’s the limit when we’ve put a man on the moon.
  • Economical – Even when the going gets tough you can still afford your online presence.
  • Innovation – There’s always a way to do it better – find it! The
  • Platinum Principle – Treat others the way THEY want to be treated.
Our Roles & How We Function

We function as a team. We have a coach and several well-positioned players.

We support and assist one another to elevate our clients to the highest level possible. Each player is to listen to the directions of the coach and act in a team-first mindset. We challenge and support one another. It is vital that we work for each client independently and strive to embrace their individuality. Continue to read more about us and our individual roles within the company.


Jessica Luna currently functions as the sole owner of Social Soaring and Simply Social LLC. She is a wife, mother, and life-long learner. She is dedicated to creating quality through innovation. She emphasizes other’s success and believes she cannot succeed without uplifting others. If you would like to connect directly with the owner, simply schedule a complimentary consultation.

Success Managers

The Success Manager role is one of well-rounded competencies. They wear many hats and do it well.  This position will project strong marketing capabilities, elite organizational skills, and effective managerial skills. These are the puppeteers who draw all of your marketing efforts together. They serve to be the creation coordinators.

Content Creators

These are the creative and innovative inner workings of your brand. They create and share content on the social media platforms of your company’s choosing. We aim to fully embody each client’s brand in tone, style, voice, and narrative. We want to sound like the best version of your brand every time, without exception. Connect with your creator today and ignite something powerful.

Growth Experts

These are your audience-targeting powerhouses. They spend time in each account daily, connecting and networking on your behalf. Your expert will seek worthwhile opportunities and grow your brand. They will connect and interact with your followers, keeping them engaged and interacting! These critical team members also collect, analyze, and interpret data to improve your company’s social standing. Discover your next networking opportunity today.

Contact Us

We would love to hear what’s on your mind. Send us your questions, comments, suggestions, and more now.